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ITF International Tennis Federation
IIHF International Ice Hockey Federation
FINA Federation Internationale De Natation Amateur
AIBA International Amateur Boxing Association
FIVB Federation Internationale de Volleyball
IBAF International Baseball Federation
FILA International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles
FIS International Ski Federation
UCI International Cycling Union
FIQ International Bowling Federation
FIBT International Bobsled and Tobagganing Federation
ITTF International Table Tennis Federation
IBF International Badminton Federation
IBU International Biathalon Union
IHF International Handball Federation
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 The first British Newspaper Online - Telegraph Online is associated with several print newspapers including The Disability Telegraph, The Asian Telegraph, and New World newspapers which offer a voice to London's 33% ethnic minorities and Britain's 6.2 million disabled people. We are not in any way associated with the Daily Telegraph or any other organisation or publication including Telegraph Books Direct or Telegraph Group Ltd... We have been operating online since 1987 originally as the Disability Telegraph BBS used for downloading information to Braille Machines & Speech Synthesizers. W
